Life In Wales

By KarenC

What a Night!

We’ve had another productive day, Alan painted the living room ceiling, I mowed the grass, and Rach arrived with the girls. She’d offered to come and help paint, but as Alan wasn’t ready for us to start the walls we went to the beach for a walk with the girls and the boys.

We parked at Rhos on Sea and had a lovely walk, it was quite cloudy but the sea was as calm as a lake and it was quite mild. We stopped for ice cream and Rach got the boys a frozen yoghurt for dogs. They didn’t seem too impressed at first, but as it started to melt they became quite interested.

By the time we got back home Alan had just finished the second coat of paint on the ceiling, so Rach and I started the walls - we’re putting wallpaper on one wall, so had three to do, but between us, with Alan going round the edges with a brush, it was done in one time. I then went to cook the dinner and by the time it was ready, they’d done the second coat.

We sat down to eat about 8pm, and then as I was tidying up, I could see the sky turning slightly pink. The more I watched it, I knew it was going to be a spectacular sunset, but as I’d had a glass of wine I couldn’t drive down to the beach, so I walked up the lane to where I knew I’d get this viewpoint. Alan was too tired to join me and Rach had just put the girls to bed, so she didn’t want to come, in case they got up. I’m glad I went though, it was absolutely stunning!

Thanks for all the stars and hearts on my tiger yesterday. Hope you’re having a good weekend!

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