Birthday Girl

Slept reasonably well.....woke early, but got back off till 7ish, then drifted off again.....was surprised to see the clock said 9.53 when I woke again!

Up and downstairs for a cuppa and my usual fruit and yogurt.......then I opened my birthday cards and a couple of pressies too.
Very tough not having a "wife" card to open.

Then into the garden, some watering of baskets and tubs outside, a chat with my sis in law, messages from the kids and a video from Olivia & Isabella singing happy birthday to me :-) Sat in the sun with a coffee for a little while before heading indoors to get myself ready to go for my birthday meal. I decided to wear a particular dress, the one I have on in hubs fav photo of us.....I had only worn it that once, it seemed appropriate for today.

Youngest son and his wife picked me up and we met daughter and her friend at the restaurant. Hub and I had been to this restaurant previously and we enjoyed it very much. We all enjoyed the food, the fizz and the company.....and I was treated to my own little balloon display with my name on, no chance others in the restaurant not knowing it was someones birthday :-) The photos today werent taken by me.

It was 6pm by the time I was dropped back at home......I got changed and went outside with my book to read in the sun......I did have a little cry for a,while, but got it together. Sat outside for ages, just listening to the radio......realised it was 9.40!!! Decided to wait for dusk so I could watch the bats put on their aerial display around the garden..... they appeared right on cue!!

Ive had a lovely day, everyone has been very kind and caring, lots of lovely messages and good wishes.

Tomorrow I will ne 62 years and 1 day old lol, not sure how that happened lol

Hope you aRe all taking care of yourselves out there x

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