
By Mindseye

Bright boots

Slept ok, was late to bed, awake at 5, off again, awake at 7, up at 8.30, washer on, breakfast was a quick fruit & yogurt, a few chores whilst the laundry finished its cycle. My friend who Im seeing on Friday called to finalise arrangements, she mentioned something, that prompted a reminder to another friend, who happens to be a blipper!

Laundry all pegged out before I walked into town, for some much needed groceries followed by a coffee in Costa, not been in for a few days! It was whilst I sat there, that said blipper alerted us to the fact that we needed to take some action in order for our mini blip meet to go ahead lol. After a bit of flapping and faffing, disaster was averted ;-)

A swift walk home, with a heavy shopping bag, I was a bit warm by the time I got home. Shopping away, a quick change, then onto my next task, to cut both lawns......had a sweat on by the time Id finished! Had to put the clippings in a binbag as the Council still havent delivered my new garden bin!!!

Indoors, washed and changed, again, then a drive into Wigan to collect something for DiL, then on to the Funeral Directors, for a 4.15 meeting, to choose a casket/urn for hubs ashes :-(
Had a bit of a moment, didnt overly like any of the type I had decided on, but opted for one that was "nice"..... then just as I was getting ready to stand I picked up the brochure again and flicked through it, it opened to the inside back page, and there it was! A light coloured smooth oval, pebble like, made from lava......perfect, bearing in mind "our place" is Tenerife, an island made of lava :-) I feel sure that somehow hub had a hand in me seeing this......I almost missed it! Also choose scatter tubes for "our 3" , Forget me nots for daughter, a sky sunset for middle son and a field of golden sunflowers for youngest <3 A week or so to wait until they contact me. A few tears when I got back in the car.......thne drove myself tomdaughters house for our tea& games night, yes I know its only tuesday, a swap around, seeing sis tomorrow this week.

The 3 of us enjoyed our tea outside in the sunshine, granddaughter was had her fringe cut back into her hair, having,almost grown it out, me and her mum both like her with a fringe :-) Afterwards we played Escape from Atlantis, a childhood game that daughter is fond of, she played it with her dad, and now plays it with her daughter :-) I am a novice, needless to say granddaughter won!! Daughter & I caught up on another episode of The Handmaids Tale :-)

Before Imleft I popped upstairs to see if there was a decent sunset, but it was a bit watery, however daughter had opened her wardrobe, so a quick blip of her shoes, just how many does a girl need??!!!!!! Go on, have a guess how many pairs she has, answer tomorrow lol!

Home just before 9.30, a phone chat with youngest son, wrapped a goft for my friends daughters baby for delivery Friday......the oresent that is, not the baby lol! Watched a Celebrity Googlebox this evening, now its bed time, need to set my alarm, as need to be over a sis's by 10!!!

Take care of yourselves, stay safe.

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