Nowhere is safe from gadget Boy!

Gadget boy has wanted to set up web cam in order to have virtual meetings with colleagues in Malaysia, particularly since their trip to visit us (they should have arrived yesterday) has been cancelled as a result of that pesky Icelandic volcano erupting. Tsk tsk.

Anyway, after he announced on Facebook that he had spent all afternoon watching movies and my head span round and exploded as I had spent all day marking coursework again, with no end in sight, he then text to ask if I was prepared to try the web-cam to test quality etc.

I did so a little later. james came in to see who I was talking too. The Ninja Monkey and wedding Monkey joined in and waved. Gadget boy has now seen how untidy my home office is so I can no longer take the mickey out of him for the disaster zone that is his office at work. It all worked. I had a bit of a rant. I felt much better afterwards too! Then I took a picture of the momentous first BOSC Web cam conference. I have had to do soft focus so that you can't see his screen name because apparently he will kill me if I tell anyone what it is! He'll have to catch me first.

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