By lizzie_birkett

Conisbrough Viaduct

I wish you could see it in all its magnificence! So incredibly high and so long! I'll try and get a better Blip on the way back.
Frank found the football in the water.
We left Sprotbrough early morning. We had been a bit worried as our water tank was getting low and the loo cassettes would need emptying - like caravan ones. There were no symbols on the canal map to say where such facilities are in this area. 
Anyway we got to Mexborough Low Lock and there was a really nice lock keeper. Frank asked him where the next facilities were and he said - Right here! He agreed it was silly that there were no signs.
We got rid of all the rubbish there too. 
Once through the lock we went down a bit further and moored up at the beer garden of the Gorilla Micro Brewery. Frank's dream come true! We both had a beer then I left him chatting to two lovely elderly guys who were walkers. One of them was from Liverpool too and was at the same school as John Lennon - though 3 years younger than John. He said he was a bit of a bully!
I went to find the shops - mainly a pet shop for Bella's travel pills but also found Lidl so I was able to get lots of fresh fruit for breakfasts. While I was walking round Lidl I started to get the zig zaggy flashes that I sometimes get before a migraine. I struggled a bit to see but managed to get through checkout and back to the boat which luckily was close by.

When I got back Frank had sampled a few different beers! 
I took a migraine pill and went for a lie down and must have slept a bit in which time Frank moved the boat on to the next lock at Swinton where we are now. We'll go through in the morning. 
This lock and moorings - like most along this stretch are made for massive freight boats so we are quite low down in the water and poor Bella has to be lifted on and off which she really doesn't like.

Right, it's book and bedtime for me.
Goodnight :-)x

PS I'm so glad I have wifi and a phone signal again. I missed all you Blippers!

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