Camera Obscura

Lady D is back from uni for the weekend. She retrieved her motorbike and drove up to see me this morning. The idea was to photograph the rabbit, which has disappeared. I'm not surprised as the dogs were not happy with it's presence in the garden. They haven't hurt it but their not so gentle persuasion has convinced it to distance itself. I can't say I'm disappointed as my plants were vanishing fast.

Option number 2 was to turn my newly painted bedroom into a Camera Obscura. I was too idle to pull out a sheet of pond liner that would have blacked the room out totally so we used a sheet of weed suppressor doubled over. Despite the dull weather outside it worked well. This is Lady D, silhouetted in the light emitted by the small hole in the liner and the image of the outside world impressed on the ceiling. Good fun to do and I'm pleased it worked. Another image on Lady D's blip.

Lady D sped off to Reigate and I sped off to meet with JustSally. What a lovely lady! It's good to put a face to a name. Although so near to me, I'd never been into the newish tea rooms in Gomshall. The company, coffee and cakes were all delightful.

With friends in for a meal this evening, we've caught up on the last episode of Call the Midwife... shame we've got to wait until Christmas for the next. We've put the world to rights over a roast chicken, of which I've eaten far too much after this afternoons cake and am now ready to hit my sack!

A day full of food for the soul... :)

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