Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

I've changed my screen photo to this photo of a meadow in the villages were we've got relatives and a summer pasture. I really like this photo. I find it calming.
I'm having an early night, since I'm a bit anxious about tomorrow and the vaccin shot. Strange, since it went so well last time. But, I guess my fear of needles isn't eradicated so quickly. 
At least I did some shopping today, just incase I have a reaction to the vaccine. I might not, but just in case.
I also found a baby earwig in my hallway. Still close to the door, but it made me wonder why it was there and how many there're behind boxes and the bench. I guess I'll find out when I clear that area during the next couple of days.
Last of June. How quickly the days pass. 

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