By lizzie_birkett

Our Little Skater!

Amelia was so excited this morning - the day she has been waiting for since her 1st figure skating competition was cancelled last year due to Covid. Then there was lockdown and no ice skating for months on end.
Today was fabulous.
Her coach said she was really thrown in the deep end at this - one of the most prestigious events in the skating world and one of the best rinks in the UK.
Apart from a little wobble at the start (Amelia said she had butterflies)- which cost her a few points she was amazing, so graceful and smooth. 
She came 10th in her group of 20 girls and scored 12.45 out of 20 points.
When she came off the ice she said to her coach that she loved it and can't wait for her next competition.
We're all so thrilled for her and so proud.
The day was made complete by their previous childminder Susan and her hubby Tim travelling 3 1/2 hours for the event. They are like a 3rd set of grandparents and the girls were so happy to see them.
They came for lunch on the boat with John and Lucy. 
Sabrina and Amelia spent the whole day at the rink as after the competitions all the little skaters had master class sessions - one with Robin Cousins and another with a Sheffield Olympic coach whose name escapes me.
We went for dinner at the same pub again and Amelia could hardly keep her eyes open.
We then said our goodbyes as they will travel home early tomorrow and we have to be at Tinsley locks for 09.15 so an early start for us tomorrow too.

I'll check blips tomorrow.
Thanks for all the comments, stars and hearts yesterday. Off to bed now.

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