Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Look back in anger

My day started with some very uncomfortable dental treatment - I was in the chair for an hour. At one point the dentist was tapping my teeth to the tune of “Can’t get you out of my head” by Kylie Minogue on the radio, which felt oddly appropriate. At this point I realised how difficult it is to laugh with an anaesthetised jaw and a face full of padding.

We paid a flying visit to London tonight, to see Mr S and an old family friend who was over from America. Really nice evening, there was also a friend of Mr S who makes documentaries and was also in the country briefly. We of course had to travel from that international hotspot called Woking so it was a truly cosmopolitan affair. Lovely couple of hours sitting outside Le Pain Quotidien on the South Bank eating a little, drinking a little, and talking a lot.

We took a walk over to embankment to get some steps in afterwards. Took this shot of the old GLC building and remembered the mid 1980s when Thatcher cynically and disingenuously abolished the Greater London Council for no other reason than that it was a visible and vocal opposition in direct line of sight of Westminster. It was a Trump era move thirty years before Trump came to power and just thinking of it all this time later made me angry. We should never demolish our democratic institutions because we disagree with the people who temporarily inhabit them. 

Rant over. Lovely evening on the back of another cumbersome and tedious day at work. It’s the people wot counts …

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