Tuesday: Savary Island

We drove to Lund this morning where, after some breakfast, we caught a water taxi to Savary Island where we were going to spend the day.  It’s pretty much off grid and is a predominantly hippie community, but, of late, larger and more ostentatious houses are being built.

H&J took their bikes over but K & I rented mopeds for the day.  It was my first time on a moped but how this particular delight has eluded me until now is a mystery. It was fabulous!  Even the fact that K has an innate coolness which makes you think she should be in ‘Easy Rider’, as opposed to me, who looks like I’m on a day out on my mobility scooter, couldn’t take away from the enjoyment.

We had a great day exploring the island, which is everything we hoped it would be. And a great Mexican meal tonight at ‘Costa del Sol’ in Powell River.

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