
By Mindseye

Differing Daisy

Very late to bed last night, subsequently latish up.....showered, then breakfast sat in the garden, whilst I decided on a plan of attack in the garden, increasingly resembling a jungle!

I settled on getting rid of the honeysuckle, it has flowered and looks decidedly tatty, the leaves are covered in blackspot, its ventured up and over the fence, into the garden back to back.....os i took the shears, secateurs and loppers to it, it is no more :-) cut it up and half filled the green bin! Just some thicker branches still to dispose off.....I need to order some new secateurs, the rachet isnt working properly for thicker stems :-/

Also cut down the roses and arou d the arbour, and cut out the 2 clematis that seem to have got clematis wilt, one of E's nextdoor has sucuumbed too.....just praying my beautiful jackmanni doesnt cop it too :-0!
Todays blip is just a quick pic of this daisy like flower that dangles over the wall in our garden, quite near where hub rests :-)

After dinner I got washed and changed, as it had been hot sticky work, then put my gardening gear and a change of clothes into the boot of the car as I was off to youngests, to lend a hand in their garden too.....we planted up some of the plants we chose a couple of weeks ago, but ran out of compost, we nipped to Aldi, Lidl & a local store, we had no success at any of them :-/ So tha ts a job to be finished at the weekend.

They have had a new window,fitted today, anothe ,in the kitchen tomorrow, and are still waiting for their floor to be finished, two rooms one, but the guy doing it is dragging his heels in relation to their kitchen..... think they are getting a bit fed up of it all now :-/ The garden is coming on but not there yet.....they just need a break from constantly being let down by workmen leaving outstanding jobs :-(

Enjoyed my time with them, we have a nice tea, chatted and caught up on things .....I was home by 9, but everything away, watered the baskets, again!

Somehow it has now got to the usual 00.30am...... bed time , so good ight all, stay safe.

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