From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Hallowed Be Thy Name

I was up before 8am today to make up for yesterday's late start. Sunshine was streaming through the curtains very early on promising a lovely day. So much for that! By 11am it had turned cold, grey and windy. However the washing machine was on the go and I'd been out to sort the bird feeders out, topping up the seed and using up the last of the nuts until Tesco Man calls next Tuesday. I saw three blue tits, six great tits, four robins, loads of blackbirds, the usual pair of pigeons and a lots of sparrows in the space of half an hour. The squirrel who'd gone AWOL yesterday surveyed the party from the shed roof. I thought I'd spare you birdie pictures today and wandered up the road to do a big circuit of the area.

Nothing really appealed to me picture wise today. The grey skies and eye watering breeze took the shine off everything. After three quick pictures by crumbling St Giles Church, I headed home for cheese and onion toasties and minty hot chocolate.

I have been torn apart with indecision between two of the photos I took but have decided on the church for today. I will have to go back and take another of the other one for tomorrow's blip I think. Going a little wild with the processing here made a fairly ordinary shot quite interesting I thought.

Track? This is a great one I hadn't heard for ages! - Hallowed Be Thy Name

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