From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Hail Cone Head!

I had been told about the Wellington statue outside the Gallery of Modern Art in Glasgow yesterday by Fiona. I had wandered down in the pouring rain and had a look but the weather had killed my enthusiasm to take pictures.

Anyway, I suggested to mom when I got back yesterday that we go to Glasgow today on the bus. She'd said 'No!' at the time which I knew really meant 'Yes and I can use my bus pass while they are still free!' You see, this conversation is not a new one! Mom keeps reminding me that bus passes won't be free by the time I get to be a pensioner. Actually, she could be right... Bloody typical. I thought I had at least one thing to look forward to apart from senility and incontinence pants but if I haven't even got a bus pass, I won't be able to be the 'nutter on the bus' all day as I had planned for my twilight years. Sigh!

Oh well. As soon as mom had got back from mass this morning, we went up to the bus station and got straight on the X77. We sat upstairs at the front but as mom was with me, I had to pretend to be the driver in my mind's eye. We went straight into John Lewis and spent a happy hour trying out all the settees and armchairs. Isn't that what everyone does in John Lewis? We had lunch after that and then had a good wander around the shops in the Buchanan Galleries. I hate shopping of all descriptions but I must say, today was quite painless, probably because mom didn't want anything. I have had excruciating shopping experiences in the past.

We went outside to take advantage of the fact it wasn't raining after that and wandered around to the Wellington statue. The tradition of putting traffic cones on his head has been going on since the mid 1980's and Cone Head has become famous. A massive Facebook petition last year stopped plans to raise the statue higher to prevent the cones being placed and I expect Wellington will still have his cones long after we are all pushing up the daisies. There's a cheery thought!

Anyway, I must stop waffling.. It stayed fine all day until we arrived back in Ayr when the heavens opened and we were caught in a massive hailstorm! It hasn't stopped raining since. Look out Edinburgh as I'll be with you on Sunday! ;-)

Track? I think I need Peter Green to help me perform some magic to change this weather - Black Magic Woman

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