From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

My Nuts are Frozen!

I had my Blip all planned out today and was going to walk back to St. Giles Church to retake a picture I'd taken yesterday. Well, Mr. Squirrel had other ideas staring fearlessly and indignantly at me through the kitchen window before I'd even had my cheese and onion breakfast omelette with Jeremy Kyle! Yes, I know. I really must start getting back to porridge or toast for breakfast. This was the only photo I took today. He turned around and carried on munching on frozen nuts after that.

Anyway, it had snowed overnight and snow was still on the lawn but virtually gone from the pavements already so I walked up the road and round in a circular route to go to the pet shop up the hill to see if they sold bird nuts. It was a fascinating shop and I spent ages having a chat with an adult bearded dragon - looked a bit like a small dinosaur/iguana type thing - but he looked very unimpressed as he eyed me from inside his glass container. I really took a fancy to him but you have to feed them live insects, the fellow in the shop told me. I told him I hadn't been in the shop for twenty years and described the big ginger Welsh chap who had sold me goldfish back then.

'Oh Ivan still owns this place but doesn't come in very often these days!' he exclaimed. 'I'm not his son, by the way,' he told me as he got me three big bags of bird peanuts.
I handed him a Scottish tenner and he looked horrified!
'It's Ivan's rules,' he said. 'I can't take Scottish money! Him being Welsh, I'm guessing he doesn't like the Scots!'
'Ha!' I said. I'm bloody amazed he accepts English money if he's that anti foreigners!'

The poor fellow looked that fed up, I found some coins instead which cheered him up considerably. After all, my wanting for bird/squirrel food was stronger than my principles. Also, not having been in Edinburgh this week, I didn't really want to waste even one of what few Scottish notes I had left in the 'Radleys Pet Shop!'

Track? Here is another brilliant one from UFO I haven't heard for ages to go with this rotten icy weather - Mr. Freeze

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