From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Goodbye to Ayr (for a little while)

This is really a quickie.

It has turned really cold up here but looking at a few blips and reading write ups, the whole of the UK has turned chilly. Mom and I wandered into town early. Marks and Spencers was where we went first and picked up 'bung it in the microwave' dinners to avoid burnt offerings for Saturday and then we called in Boots for a couple of odds and ends.

We went straight back home after that as I wasn't in the mood to hang about today. There is nothing much else to say. Strangely, I slept through most of the afternoon after lunch but then ran out at 5pm with my camera down to the sea. It was freezing but as if by magic, the sun appeared while I stood there to sparkle on the water before disappearing into the clouds.

I wasn't out long thank goodness as it was so cold. I'll take my big coat with the hood to Edinburgh tomorrow. Note to self - remember to take my Blipfoto badge off my jacket and relocate it to my coat.

That's it for now as I'm feeling a bit sick....

Track? I fancy a bit of Deep Purple - Fireball

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