Leeds Art Gallery

Today’s the day ............... to explore the city
I don’t think I have ever knowingly been to Leeds and so, despite the rather miserable weather, I was keen to see what it had to offer.
First stop on the way to Leeds Art Gallery was a fascinating street exhibition called ‘Britain from the Air’.  There’s no doubt that for a country of its size, Britain’s landscapes and the environments they contain, are the most diverse in the world.  The huge aerial photographs showed this convincingly.  It was a very thoughtful and inspiring display developed jointly by wecommunic8 and the Royal Geographical Society.
Leeds is a great place to shop, especially in the rain, because there are many covered Shopping Arcades where you can browse at your leisure without getting wet (see extra).  And a visit to the original Corn Exchange  with its incredible domed glass roof is a must ...............

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