Waiting For The Night

Well, here’s a sight we haven’t seen since January 2020 - the Bryce Institute ready to receive an audience for a BATS production. Not the play I’m involved in. That is still - thankfully - four weeks away. I say thankfully, because there is still a lot of line learning to be done. Well, on my part anyway. Which is why I was down there this afternoon. This evening is the dress rehearsal for “Showstoppers” (first night tomorrow) so we had a short play rehearsal, for those who could make it, between 3 & 5. Obviously the set is all wrong, but we managed to usefully work through a few scenes. The concert runs Thursday to Saturday, so our rehearsals begin again in earnest on Sunday - hopefully with a full cast from now on!
As far as the house is concerned, it was a case of “two steps forward, one step back” today. On the plus side, we finalised the curtain rails for the lounge and bedroom, and chose the curtains for the bedroom and the blinds for the study/second bedroom. On the minus side, we are no closer to solving the problem of what flooring to put in the hall. A tentative plan for a solution might have fallen at the first hurdle as it may not be physically possible to do what we want, so we might have to look at a Plan B. I’ve been asked to email photos of the sample boards in situ so they can have a think about it.
We might have decided on a new front door as well. After a walk round the local area - getting absolutely drenched in a sudden downpour, in the process - we had seen a few examples of the ones we were trying to choose between. The one we liked best in the catalogue is the one we liked best “in the flesh”. We just need to decide on what sort of glass, handle and letter box we want now!
Tomorrow it’s back to putting filler in holes in walls…

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