Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Jersey Day Four

Over the road to our favourite cafe for breakfast again. This time we both had the porridge. Delicious. And very very filling. 

We had a wee dander round town, including the indoor market place, then got the bus to St Brelade’s to meet the others. As predicted, the weather was glorious with no wind. 

First of all, we had a look round the church and the wee Fisherman’s Chapel, which is in the most delightful setting, overlooking the bay. We’ve been there several times, and it’s always enchanting.

We met the others on the Bay Hotel’s verandah, and sat in the warm sunshine, enjoying a rather good lunch. A walk along the promenade was then needed, and an ice cream could not be resisted by some. Then a walk back along the beach. (8,999 steps)

A wee drive round to another favourite - El Tico, but it really was too windy there to sit out - different side of the island. In the car park was a fabulous vintage Bentley. The owner happened to come back as we were admiring it. It goes 9 miles to the gallon, but he’s been all round the world in it. Next year he’s re-visiting America. I think he must be a very wealthy man.

Another smashing day!

Lots more videos all day of Archie out for walkies, Archie in the garden, Archie on the sofa, or Archie eating his kibble but carefully leaving his pill. Also a video of Derek wrapping the pill some ham, Archie eating his pill. Good man.

PS A few extras of the church for Freespiral..

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