Fishy Friday

A fine calm morning, but the winds picked up throughout the day.  With the winds, it brought showers too, but a fine sunny late afternoon. 

Another day, and up fairly early.  Headed out walkies with Sammy after breakfast.  We popped by Madeline's for a cuppa, June and James (Henry) were in too, and continued our walk.  With a poor day, I got all my weekend chores done around the house.  Mam, Laura, Shaun and Elise popped by for a while in the afternoon.  More walkies before tea.  Popped to the Co-op this evening, and now cosy inside, and away from the rain.

Fishy Friday, always has to be a fish and chips day on a Friday.  Popped over to my local fish shop to get some haddock fillets.  I don't eat much fish, only really haddock, or tuna covered in mayo, smoked fish and occasionally lemon sole (which doesn't taste anything like lemon!).  Being a fishing community, our fish is always fresh, and in demand.  I spoke with friend Robert (Duthie), one of the filleters, while I waited to get inside.  Waiting patiently in the shop, while this man gets his order.  Taken at Blydoit Fish, Eastvoe, Scalloway.  

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