
By helenann

Winding down

Peter, my Mother's tortoise, is definitely thinking about the Big  Sleep. He can barely drag himself out of bed to catch the weak rays of the  sun, and didn't want anything to  eat today. This is going to one of his last, if not his final appearance, on Blip this year.  He'll be tucked up  in his bed of hay very soon, oblivious to the coming cold, dark, winter days.  I wouldn't mind joining  him!
We spent most of  the day getting my Mum's leg injury sorted out. She acquired it when she caught her leg on the  low fence surrounding the tortoise enclosure. She has a nasty looking skin flap on her calf, now well protected by  a honey dressing. (Honey  promotes faster healing.) She also got her flu  jab so that was  a useful bonus  today. However, no  bulbs got planted, as planned.

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