Goodbye, see you later...

.... let me see your alligator.. SNAP

3 years 159 days

Katie has today had a BLAST at her first holiday club session! She's a bit young "officially" but Mummy was taking photos and Katie came too as Lydia and her friend grace were there too. She was a bit shy because of the loud (happy) shoutyness, and said several times to me "I dont like the shouting bits". But she loved the singing, the dancing, the games, the craft. They finish the morning sessions with a song that they use in her Sunday School group and she loves it a lot! Her and lydia were dancing adorably.

Because it was the last day, mid afternoon there was an end of week presentation to the parents. This essentially delivered the Bible in an hour. Through drama (mainly utter but hilarious insanity) dance, art, videos, photography. It was a fantastic presentation. And a brilliant final project from the youthworker who will be departing this summer. She had a huge amount of fun today. I was thrilled she got to be part of it.

(Parental permission for all children in this image has been obtained)

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