Dancing in the Street

Dashing to the hardware store this afternoon, to buy a new bulb for the oven light (of which more anon), I heard this chap well before I saw him. Sited at the end of Market Place, next to the war memorial, he seemed to be doing a dance that was a combination of tap dancing and clog dancing, all to the accompaniment of some sort of folk music which sounded vaguely eastern European. He seemed to be in a world of his own - which was probably just as well, as he certainly wasn’t attracting a crowd. I had to stand a way away and pretend to be looking at something on my phone in order to get a photo without making it obvious what I was doing!
Back to the saga of the bulb for the oven light. I noticed it had gone yesterday morning and sourced a twin pack of bulbs from Asda that claimed to be suitable for “most” ovens. Well, the first bulb lasted twenty minutes before blowing and tripping the cooker fuse. Fortunately, tea was almost cooked by then, so not a total disaster. I put the second bulb in this morning but that only lasted a minute or so before blowing - having spent all of that minute flickering like mad. I decided it would, perhaps, be prudent to source a better quality bulb, hence the visit to the hardware store. It did actually seem to screw in more securely, and there was no flickering when I tested it. I will be cooking tea shortly, so we’ll see if it can withstand those conditions.
And after three days away from the theatre, it’s back there tonight for the (re)start of Panto rehearsals. This will be the third time we’ve attempted to get this show across the finishing line. There have been several changes of cast since we started in July 2020, and we still haven’t written an ending. And now we’ve got nine short weeks to bring it all together…

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