Angels. (And Bath and Bristol)

Over dinner last night I managed to convince Abi that the clocks going back an hour was a good reason to make an early start this morning in order to get the most out of our day. Actually, to say I convinced her is probably a bit misleading; I think she just gave in.

Anyway, at eight-thirty (in the new money), we were walking to the car park to begin the day's adventure. It was a fairly pleasant drive to the Bath campus, which, to be honest, we found to be a little utilitarian. After that we headed down to the town itself for a bit of breakfast and a walk around but there wasn't much to interest a seventeen year old.

Consequently, by half-eleven we were walking back to the car for the quick trip across to Bristol. Well, this was more like it. We loved the campus and also walking around the city itself. At one point, Abi said "I could see myself here" and I thought "job done".

Post script:
While we were looking around the Bristol campus, I encountered the statue of Henrietta Lacks that you can see in my Extras. I had never heard of her before but a helpful information board told me that she died of cervical cancer in 1951. "During her treatment, a section of her tumour was taken and sent to a laboratory. Unlike previous samples, Henrietta's cells continued to grow and divide outside of the human body - making them the first human immortal cell line".

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