I would NEVER leave without my TIARA.

Just packing to go away for a week to one of my favourite places. Loads of blip opportunities. However the only internet connection is in a small Visitor Centre - so not sure when I can upload or review your lovely blips.

I feel as if my legs and arms have been cut off!!!!

I'm bringing along my Lightroom tutorial - hoping I get the chance to look at it.

Lots of visitors planned, and I'm looking forward to playing on the Beach in my wellies and waterproofs (Scottish beach holiday essentials!!). Completely different to last years trip to Bateman's Bay!

No 3 has been packing for her trip (teddies, tiaras and UNO are high on her list of requirements).

Have a lovely peaceful Easter and I'll catch up when I can.

XXX to all.

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