Remembrance Day

So as I was downing a few beers yesterday and enjoying my lads company so I knew I’d feel like I did when woke this morning, not hung over, more thick headed.
Mrs S, Josh and I dressed and ready to go arrived on The Moor in good time, early enough to enjoy a bit of pre parade banter but not early enough to be hanging around.
I always enjoy the Remembrance Parade & Service, the emotion it generates reminds me, as it’s supposed to, of past times, past family members who served, one of whom died in WWI, past comrades, friends, new mates, fellow veterans I’ve met since my service time ended.
So the weather held, the service went well and afterwards, as friends, old and new, we sat around as Veterans do and chewed the fat, told tall stories, told each other how good it was in our time and drank beer.

The walk up the hill helped freshen me up but I had an overwhelming feeling of tiredness. The manning of the Poppy Appeal stand is over, heading from one event to another is over, dropping equipment and boxes around the county is over, the parades and events are over and for the time being the beer consumption is over.

Roast dinner, some TV & bed.

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