Expect Change

We were having visitors for tea tonight and it was going to be a high class affair with external caterers ( the local Pizza joint ) and elaborate dessert hand made by The Boss. (choc rabbits between hokey pokey icecream). In anticipation of all this The Boss and ME went out for an early walk with the plan being to come back past The Local pub (Edgewater) where all these folk were staying and walk them to our place. The minute we met I just knew that there was something really special about P (the lady) She smelt all soft and curly and it was a wonderful surprise to discover that she was a Wheaten (soft coated) owner. Oh what joy. Someone that would not only understand me but smelt grrreat too. This was the very first time I had met someone like this and man did she know where to scratch behind my ears. ARE you watching this Boss!
Right then.

Wonderful evening, grrreat company, many blip photo's shown (mostly of ME)
And I got 5 stars for behaviour but no one fed me anything. What's the point in being well behaved if there is no payback?
AND there was a spare Choc Rabbit left over too.

Check out the scene for rabbits.

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