Down by the Lazy River

The river might be lazy (it’s full, but not flooding, at the moment) but it’s the only thing that is. This is the current view from the gym and I was in there for the third successive day, doing a workout. I say “current view” because this is the first time I’ve been able to see the river since the gym opened in April. Even though the gym is housed in an industrial unit, there is a window on the upstairs level which gives you a glimpse of the outside world whilst exercising. Up until now, it’s just been trees you could see - though you knew the river was out there somewhere. But now autumn is well and truly upon us, the leaves have dropped and the river has risen so it can be clearly seen. We have been assured that there is no danger of the gym being flooded because the far bank of the river is a lot lower, so any flooding will take place on the flood plain opposite. Which is the point of a flood plain after all, a point seemingly not always understood by local councils when granting planning permission to build houses on low lying land.
A little more progress in the house today. The new vanes for the kitchen blinds arrived and I rushed to hang them up. But, in spite of us measuring twice before ordering, one set was too long and the other too short! No idea how it happened, but the shop has very kindly said it was down to them and they will make replacements. I’d actually go 50/50 with them as I cannot, hand on heart, say I’d measured my bit correctly. That’s just the short ones, by the way. The ones that were too long just needed hanging on the lower notch of the hanger as this lifted them enough to give the perfect clearance. I’d hung these myself because the fitter was on a very tight timetable, and I had suggested he concentrate on putting up the new curtain poles. And that is a whole different saga, involving bodged and missing screws, which deserves a journal entry of its own. Watch this space…

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