Out & About II

Easter Sunday, the house seems very quiet without Joshua who is away on Army Cadets Spring Camp.

We set off for Wadebridge and the CVWOC "Swap Meet", it was extremely cold but my new duvet jacket ensured I remained warm. We were in two T4's, Clare and Mark in Marks, Sam and I in Clare's.
We left the meet and called in at the County Showground.
We thought there was an Antiques Fair but we turned out to be a day late!! Instead we saw a Canine Agility Display, well about ten minutes of one.

Following the satnav instructions we set off for TR2 5EW and the Hidden Hut. We eventually arrived about as far out on the Roseland as you can get, I know this because the road ended on the beach! We had coffee and cake in the bitter cold, the top photograph shows us sheltering in the lee of the hut, the bottom phot is the view out over Portscatho beach. I hope the weather improves before Clare's birthday dinner there on June 7th!!

Home now in front of a roaring fire, Miss Congeniality will be followed by Narnia and a quiet night with all the newspapers and magazines.

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