By lizzie_birkett

Speccy 12 eyes!

Now I have more specs than I know what to do with!
L to R: Varifocals, Close work specs, Reading specs lost a year ago and found yesterday, Ukulele playing specs, Ready readers from Semi-Chem also lost a year ago and found yesterday. (I have another pair varifocals on the boat!)
Yet still they are never handy when I need them!

I was aware that the weather was a bit wild last night in my half asleep state in the early hours but today it has been lovely and sunny.
There was a Robin in our garden today which is a rare sight, though I do see them in other gardens, so I put some extra seed on the ground along with a cut up apple and some raisins. I really want them to become regulars along with the collared doves and Jackdaws and the occasional tit family members. 

I’ve been playing uke again today. I need to get back to my previous standard - during the pandemic I have neglected it and now I’m enjoying a strum and a song again.
Frank has arranged a jam session at The Black Horse tonight - I’m only popping along for a short time with Bella. I’m hopeless with late nights these  days. I may do a turn with the uke at the very start before it gets too noisy.

Worrying news about the new Covid variant. I’ll be surprised if it isn’t already in the UK. Now there’s another Avian Flu and then all the Climate change issues. When will it all end? 
I think Mother Earth is trying to tell us something! We’ve exploited her and abused her for too long and enough is enough. We can all do our bit in our own corner of the world. Every little step in the right direction helps, whether it’s - 
Rejecting single use plastic and other plastic items like toothbrushes and shampoo bottles (I still have some of those but like the solid shampoo from grüum better so won’t be buying bottles anymore), I was horrified at the amount of plastic toys wee Lucy got for her birthday, some duplicate or something she already had. They will all eventually end up in landfill, a book or art stuff would be better.
Reducing fossil fuels, 
Checking for palm oil in the goods we buy and rejecting it unless it says RSPO (responsibly sourced palm oil), I can’t bear to see the footage of the rainforests being razed to ground and thus the habitats of endangered species.
Eating less meat and dairy or even better try Veganuary after Christmas - it’s easy these days, honestly and so much better for health and the animals, 
Recycling as much as possible and buying second hand goods. 
Driving less and avoiding flying if possible (says me who flew to Belfast!) Yes, I’m guilty of getting things wrong but being aware is half the battle ;-).
It fills me with positivity knowing that I can actually do something, no matter how small to make a difference, starting here at home. 
Feel free to add to my list! 

Sorry if this sounds preachy I’m just on my favourite subject and write what I’m thinking and feeling.

Stay safe from the storms and from Covid lovely Blippers.

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