By lizzie_birkett

Put wood in’t ‘ole!

But not the door ‘ole - the cellar window.
We spent our winter fuel allowance on a large crate of logs (2 tons) and it’s really good dry hardwood.
My job is to toss it all down without breaking Frank’s fingers and he carries it all to the wood store down there. It made my back ache a bit but a neighbour - Trevor - from a few doors away was passing and he gave me a hand which was kind of him. 
The job was all done in time for Frank to go to his band rehearsal at 2pm so now I am having some me time for a couple of hours ;-)

This morning I went out to try and tidy the garden after the Storm Arwen debacle. It was icy cold and I didn’t last long out there but it looks a bit better.
The weather has been lovely though, bright blue sky, crisp and sunny - just the way I like it.

Tap dancing was great last night and I tried to video some of it whilst dancing so I might be able to practice at home. 
Needless to say videoing whilst moving doesn’t work and I got lots of footage of the floorboards! There is no time to stop to film as the lesson is only 30 minutes and she doesn’t slow down or stop for anything.

Bella has a sore paw she has been licking it constantly over the last couple of days. I looked at it yesterday and it was red between her toes but no obvious lesion. Last night I bathed it in salt water, dried it thoroughly and applied Savlon. I thought she would try to lick it off but after I wagged my finger and told her No Licking she didn’t try it. She understands language so well. When I say ‘Oh Bella, have you got a sore paw?’ she moves that paw and looks at me pathetically. Bless her. 

I found out today that the Christmas Concert where Frank is doing 3 different musical turns is sold out on both nights and I haven’t bought a ticket! They are strict about numbers due to fire regulations. I’ll have to wait and see if there are any cancellations. Mind you it’s not really ideal in light of the current Covid situation…

Thank you for all the comments, stars and hearts for my recent Blips - much appreciated.

Goodnight :-) X

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