Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Boxing day

22 days early. The main reason for Strider’s visit this weekend. The aim is to try and finish boxing up the books in his room and get them into storage, a difficult task as each box has to be sealed with protective film. I reckon he has about 1000 books, mostly history, philosophy, politics. But we did really well and made a lot of progress, which was gratifying. Even found time to go to the bookshop for a coffee and a toastie.

The Dizzle rolled in having been out in Brighton till 5 am for his office party. Came home loaded with vegan goodies from Infinity foods. I made a home-made chilli and in the evening we settled down for an unusual evening of tv watching. Started watching Succession (first ever episode) which everyone is raving about. Personally it just made me feel depressed. 

We then watched a 2015 production of An Inspector Calls with David Thewliss which I really enjoyed. Bit of old fashioned moral drama with a hint of the supernatural. Shot in Saltaire which I know well. Very good.

Good day.

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