Bandit in Chichester cathedral

We’ve got so used to wearing masks that we only occasionally notice how odd it looks in certain settings.  

We went to Chichester to have lunch in a series of Slow Food cabins, which were nice, with good food but a fairly limited menu.  We also visited Chichester cathedral, which I hadn’t been in for years. It’s so small and low key compared to Winchester but had its charm. A burst of modern art purchased in the 1950s with a, to me, rather hideous Chagall window but a  powerful John Piper tapestry.  Rainy day. 

Home for tea in front of the BBC 4 Sondheim tribute on iplayer which was quite a odd piece.  Stitched together from BBC owned archive it was mainly popular singers from 60s onwards butchering the songs with the odd powerful appearance from actors.  Far too much West Side Story.  

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