Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Mr Siskin

Another glorious day of blue skies and increasingly warm sunshine. The wind has died away to a gentle breeze making it feel a bit more like Spring.

Took 10 minutes out this afternoon to stand in the garden and blip the birds as they went back and forward to the feeders. The Siskins reappeared last week so I put out some niger seed for them, which has also attracted Goldfinches and many more Chaffinches. Haven't really had the time of late to to commit myself to some serious bird blipping, but the short time I spent at it fair put me in the mood for doing more of it. I love getting lost in blipping where you are thinking of nothing but the photograph you are after. It is very therapeutic and takes your mind off everything else that is going on in life.

Having seen the Goldfinches again, the blip I am after is of one of them in a natural setting - not sitting at a feeder. I did get shots like this but nothing usable. Instead, I have gone for Mr Sisken who sat patiently on the Rhoddie bush waiting his turn at the feeder (well he sat patiently for all of a few seconds before chasing away another Sisken away from the feeder!)

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