Mobile Home

Dictionary project - Day 9 Mobile Home

This is as good as it gets today I am afraid - I have taken some liberties with the image relating to the definition...its very loosely linked

Mobile home - noun

living quarters mounted on wheels and capable of being towed by a motor vehicle

To me that definition isn't quite right ...that snail has a built in mobile home. End of discussion.

It has been a strange day.

Blood pressure stayed around 75 / 50 this morning which was more worrying than yesterday...James and Corin fussing around me for most of the morning.

Improved during the day although still low.

james' friend (Jack) came round this afternoon. Disaster struck around 4pm when the XBox displayed the Red ring of Death. It now has to be shipped off to be fixed (free of charge because the Red Ring of Death means that you get it done at no cost....). However, the loss of the Xbox for up to a month sent James into a flat spin and serious hysterics...I have NEVER seen him so upset...he sobbed for about an hour (this was partly because he wanted me to go and buy him a new one there and then and I refused).

Anyway, Jack's mum and dad came to the rescue - Jack barely uses his XBox, so they have let Jacks to James until we get ours fixed...which is such a lovely and unselfish thing to do, and is very much appreciated by James, and by me.

Jack has been here till about 10pm. His mum came round for a brew and to pick him up - had a lovely chat and she was complimentary about my art work (in fact told me outright that two of the pieces in our living room she would love to have in her front room - might paint her something !) and really encouraged me to find a gallery and get some of my paintings and images up on display. And better than the positive impact on my ego, I think I have a new friend too - we clicked very easily which is lovely.

So after the trauma - all is calm. Bath-time for me shortly.

By the way - snails can actually move quite quickly when somebody is trying to take a photo of them!

Off to see the Wolverine movie at the cinema tomorrow with James and Corin which we are all quite excited about.

Nighty night.

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