
After an unproductive day for me yesterday, today I was raring to go. Finally ticked a load of jobs of my list which have been niggling for a while. Have done all of my change of name letters and they are now in the post. Big tidy up downstairs, anything that was flat, or didn't move, got cleaned today. Big sort out in my office and cleared the clutter.

Meanwhile, Corin had donned his best chav top and was outside finishing things in the garden that he started yesterday, including giving everything that is made of timber a good coat of dodgy coloured wood paint! He then posed for a series of shots to illustrate how the Happy Mondays might have painted the garage - wearing their hoodies and dancing like divvies!

EDIT: Just noticed that in the 2nd shot from the right (bottom) it looks like Corin is painting the letter "E" that subliminal, or ironic, given that he was having a "Madchester" moment?

Am uploading some other shots from today. Will link later or tomorrow. Right now, I'm off to book tickets to see Iron Man, as my little man has come to the conclusion that the only way he's going to get to see it is with me and Coz, as he missed out on going with his best mate yesterday because he (J) hung out for a favourable response from his Dad about going, but unfortunately, the response he got wasn't what he wanted.

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