
By LifeLines

The Lookout

Merlin likes to sit at the top the stairs. I assume because it’s an elevated position he feels safe and informed of the movements of his pack. He was therefore delighted when we put his bed on the landing this morning, snuggling down rather than following us around in anticipation of his walk.

It’s been very grey today but my toe felt considerably better, so I managed to get my boots on (!) and we had two enjoyable dog walks, one of which included a trip to the allotment to pick spinach and chard. Being at my desk so much in the week, it feels health-giving just to be outside in the brighter light and fresh air with all the senses stimulated by nature around.

This afternoon I’ve been playing with essential oils, creating blends that I might be able to use in my assessments later this year. All good fun and I’m learning lots. Also, a tea loaf/bara brith was baked. It’s one of my staples, so I cut it in three and put two pieces in the freezer and keep one out to enjoy now. Having no fat in the recipe, I feel I can enjoy extra thick slices!

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