
Parkrun around Peel Park with Hannah and Phoebe, this morning, and then breakfast at Katsouris with the Minx before college. This arch was on the walk back after breakfast. There's loads of work going on here and I'm looking forward to seeing the results.

Today's class was on FM Synthesis. The first time we did this, last year, I found it interesting but I didn't think it was something I'd use. However, having revisted it today, I really enjoyed it and now I can't imagine not using it. (This practice of revisiting lessons really works for me.)

Normally, I'd head over to the pub after class, but this evening the Minx picked me up and we headed back to Kirkby Lonsdale. Milly has come across to visit and this evening she and I went down to Botanica for dinner. The food and her company were excellent but, Lord, their booths are ridiculous.  (You end up bumping knees, sat either side of a narrow table. Really not conducive to hanging around after you've finished eating.)

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