New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Drama Pose

Last day of our Fife trip today (been backblipping for the past few days).  We nipped back to the Scottish Deer Centre who were open (and probably much quieter than they would have been on Saturday).  Got asked at reception 'would you like a bag of feed for the deer' and there's only really one answer to that.

Not just deer, there were some big teddy bear highland coos, wildcats, a bear who was sleeping, a lynx who wasn't, plus wolves and birds of prey.  There was also a crepe van so we had second breakfast - not a bad way to start the week with an apple and salted caramel crepe watching a couple of wolves. 

There were so many deer and our bags of feed didn't last long.  By the time we got round to this dramatic chappie we'd run out, though he did come to check us out just in case.  His grumbles were a lot more refined than the little squeaking noises the Pika deer were making across the fence.  He looks pretty grand here.  Didn't look quite so grand when he was pushing his nose through the fence seeing if we had any pellets left.  P said that we went from being the Monarch of the Glen to one of those guys who hangs around the bus station asking if you've got 20p. 

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