Amandine's Plot Treize

By AmandineJardine

Seed potatoes

February is a good time for chitting seed potatoes so they grow strong shoots before planting.

With the help of a friend, I've saved enough egg boxes for 4 different types of seed potatoes:
- Swift (1st earlies)
- Jazzy (2nd earlies)
- Purple Majesty (2nd earlies)
- Desirèe (maincrops)

I have a lot but plan to give a few to friends.

Finding somewhere bright and cool for them is always a challenge - my home office is quite warm with the grow lights for all the Med veg seedlings I'm growing. My husband works from home most days so the guest room is warm. 

I used the greenhouse last year and ended up bringing the seed potatoes back in when I found that they didn't stay completely dry because of leaky glass panes.

So the best I could find for them was a cold corner of our kitchen extension and hopefully they'll be fine there!

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