
By stujphoto

Freedom at last ...

I have not told you for a while how Baxter, our newly adopted Podenco has been getting on. He has quickly established himself as a feisty leader of the pack which has a down side in that he will frequently attack other dogs if he is unsure of himself. This means that we have had to keep him on a leash most of the time when he is out which we find irksome because we are so used to our dogs being unrestrained when we are out walking. We have also been wary of letting him off the lead because we have heard from his previous owner that he could well disappear for a couple of hours !

However, we have decided the time has come to let him gain his freedom but with a muzzle just in case he took it into his head to attack other dogs. He got off a couple of times last week for very short periods but today he had a really good run and, of course I was there with my camera to record his new found freedom. We let him off at the sand dunes at Belhaven Beach which is good rabbiting country and sure enough within a couple of minutes after shooting off he had his head down a rabbit hole.

After running around for about twenty minutes he happily returned to us which was re-assuring. The other bonus was that Zoe enjoyed running with him as she has sorely missed the running around she used to do with Layla, our previous dog. Now comes the difficult persuading Baxter to go where we want to go.

Baxter is at the top of the picture and Zoe, our Vizsla is below

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