Lindisfarne Castle

This morning Mr C spent ages on line getting flights sorted for Italy in the summer while I made a cake for Ella’s 10th birthday tomorrow. I also made a tea loaf.

We decided to wait till after the rain cleared before driving to Ross Sands for a walk. He said it was about 4.5 miles. I thought 7. (It was 6.9.). We battled our way up the beach - I was so glad I no longer wore contact lenses as all the flying sand would have caused great pain had it gone in the eye. The tide was right in so no basking seals today, though they were bobbing about in the waves. The light was stunning over the castle on Holy Island and I got lots of brooding shots but chose this one with the rainbow - it pays to look back.

Mr C regretfully turned down an invitation to Chris’s birthday party tonight on the grounds of too many people in a small room. As compensation I suggested when we were in town on Friday that he go to Waitrose and get a £20 Valentine meal deal. You know he doesn’t do the commercial nonsense of the day, but even he agreed it was a bargain and looked so much nicer than the M&S one for the same price. Tonight we’ll have some sort of fancy smoked salmon roulade, then rib eye steak with posh salad then a kind of lemon tart. The bonus is, he got included in the price, an Italian red that would have cost £9.85 out with the deal. I’m impressed! I might even cook it for him though I hate the touch and smell of meat.

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