
Well, I can stop now, thanks to new discs and pads this afternoon. But I’m going to try avoiding using the brakes in anger as they did not come cheap! Even the service advisor said he’d had to go back and check the price for the discs when he saw it. And, he informed me, I benefited from a discount price on the parts as the car was over five years old! He congratulated me on the car getting to 48,000 miles before needing new front brakes though. I did get a wash and vac out of the visit, but it does seem a very expensive way of getting the car valeted.
A good session in the gym this morning, though I did twist my bad knee doing lunges, and now it’s twinging a bit. Hopefully a good nights rest will take care of it.
And as we’re finally in together for the first time this week, Mrs C and myself are belatedly celebrating Valentines Day tonight by having a proper cooked meal at a sensible time, rather than snatching a microwave ready meal before dashing out of the door! We’ve even got a yummy cream cake for dessert, so it’s a good job I managed that gym session earlier.

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