Wild is the Wind

Storm Dudley only just got down as far as us, but it was strong enough to rattle our fence panels, which are in a fairly ropey condition anyway, having already been repaired once following the ravages of Storm Arwen a few weeks back.
Even though Storm Eunice is scheduled to hit a lot further south tomorrow, the fact the Met Office has seen fit to issue a Red Warning for parts of the country makes me want to ensure we are prepared in case it swings northwards. We all remember Michael Fish telling people “not to worry” in October 1987, and how accurate that advice turned out to be!
I’ve used screws, nails, scraps of wood and wedges to try and ensure the panels cannot flex and are held firmly between the posts. I doubt these measures would withstand a really strong gust of wind - the panels really are on the brink of falling apart - but I’m hopeful it might make them stable enough to withstand a stiff breeze. The panels will need replacing at some point this year, but I’m hoping they can last until the warmer days of summer.
Let us see what tomorrow brings…

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