
By sharon143

Did food bank this morning. As usual lots of photos were taken. I looked dreadful. I must loose weight. Did various Saturday jobs after lunch and then had a little snooze on the sofa when I lay down because my back was hurting ( result of all the lifting in the morning). Changed my bed linen and put on one of theNew sets I’ve been saving for when the bedroom is (almost) finished. Still waiting for the bedside lights from Etsy and will make cushion covers etc. Su arrived in the evening to help me eat leftovers from Thursday and to put my new curtains up. A had been today with his son to take away a lot of stuff which needs sorting. She was very weepy. I think that one of the problems is that she wants to discuss ownership etc for most of their stuff and he , not surprisingly I suppose, seems to want them to make separate decisions.

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