A Work in Progress

Kind friends from the Northlands sent me this Shetland glove kit to help me while away the hours of convalescence. It came with a dictum that they would expect to see me wearing the gloves when I went north after Easter. With that expectation hanging over my head I have made a start. Now for the tricky bit, the fingers.

There’s something comforting about starting the week having breakfast with a friend at the Ivy. There was much news to catch up on as we demolished toast and coffee. With one thing and another we hadn’t manage to see each other since the beginning of January.

I had my annual health MOT with the practice nurse this afternoon. The waiting room at the doctor’s was empty, I expect all the usual numbers of patients were sitting at home waiting for telephone calls. Excuse my cynicism but the orders from on high need to be updated if we are going to return to anything like normality.

My BP which the hospital had said was high turned out to be fine which is more than could be said about my weight. I got the usual lecture which I could have written myself because I know the rules inside and out , it’s the putting them into action that’s the hard bit. I was glad to escape with a smack on the hand and an admonition to do better.

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