
Today's the day ...................... to apply

We've seen a fair amount of this chap and his band of heating engineers recently - because they have been installing our new hybrid air source heat pump/oil boiler.

They've made a good job of it too - and while there may still be a few adjustments to be made to optimise the running of the system - Terry came today to sign it all off.  That meant that we have all the appropriate certificates to enable us to apply to join the Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme.  And that means for the next seven years, we can expect to receive payments based on the amount of renewable heat that we make with our system.

Of course, our house being what it is - quite old and a bit rambling - is not the ideal candidate for an air source heat pump.  It's still going to need a bit of oil to help it along.  But it's a start in reducing our impact on the environment and a new and exciting way to be going .........................

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