Into The Great Wide Open

Today is new door day. Like most things of a constructional nature, before you can create, first you must destroy. And this is the point at which the old door has been completely removed and only the step of the new door installed.
Mrs C is hugging the radiator because there is now a great big hole in the side of the house and despite a forecast of warm dry weather, it is in fact blowing an arctic wind straight into the kitchen!
On the basis that even though the gym is unheated, it is at least draught free, I disappeared off for a workout and left the fitters to it. When I returned, there was a door in the hole but they were struggling to finish it off as it had now started raining - not ideal conditions for applying mortar!
The rain did eventually stop and everything was finished but it will take until tomorrow for it all to dry properly so we need to be careful when going in and out.
Sun is forecast for tomorrow so I’ll blip the finished door then. In the meantime, it’s probably a good job we’re going out tonight as there is a smell of silicon sealant in the house. Doesn’t bother me too much, but Mrs C has a very sensitive nose and is finding it quite overpowering. Hopefully the odour will have dissipated by the time we get home as I don’t fancy having to sleep with the window wide open, on what is likely to be a very cold night!

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