The Cows Know

It was warmer on the ridge today but rainy most of the day. The seeds in the bird feeders were scarce so I filled them. The birds were having a feast before I could get inside. Otherwise, we spent the day as we’d intended our week to be. There were crazy crosswords, books all around, and a few quick walks out around the hills. We enjoyed leftovers at lunch and my BIL laundered his wet clothes from being in the rain. Most everyone had a short nap; we always get up so early. We had a treat for dinner. The only pub in the area serves wings and fries on the third Thursday. We placed our orders early so they’d be ready when we arrived. My mother is not one to frequent a bar (neither of us are, really) so she had many questions on what to expect. We anticipated 20-25 guests all night, not your typical rowdy bar and that is about how many were there. My BIL introduced them to our favorite flavor (Old Bay) and now they offer them. We each enjoyed our meal and the price was unbelievably low. When we returned, many of the neighboring cows and calves were walking along the fence line sampling the grass on the other side. I could not resist changing my blip theme. The herd’s line up was too long to get more than these few. Sure hope your day has been as relaxing. I do not trust Putin’s orders not to take the last stronghold in Mariupol. Things aren’t always what they seem to be. Thanks for dropping by. “If the grass is greener on the other side it’s probably getting better care. Success is a matter of sticking to a set of common sense principles anyone can master.” - Earl Nightingale

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