Start them young

Well what a absolutely fantastic night I had with my friends. The tribute act was very good and we had a great time singing along. I drunk way more than I should of. I'm surprised I'm not hungover today. I am absolutely knackered though as I got just over 4 hours sleep and then the Jedi woke early. 

Ballet with Harp first thing. And then I got the front lawn mowed and all along the pavements and onto the road all de-weeded and swept. ( Yes we live in a cul-de-sac where people actually sweep the road ). Harp helped me before she played on her scooter and when the Jedi woke from his nap he played in the garden while his dad worked at the weed's. 

Although I look awful in my extra , the Jedi looks very cute and funny. 

I'm about to cook family dinner and then put the Wildlings to bed early. I need to take a strong painkiller for my shoulder as I could cry. It's agony. And hopefully it will knock me out to get some sleep. 

I'm slowly catching up with you all. Hope it's been a good day. X 

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