Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Woodland scenery

Gavin was collected by the taxi at 5am this morning to get to the airport. As we live only half an hour from Heathrow Airport he usually drives and parks his car there while he travels, but like everything else in this post pandemic world, the cost of parking has gone up threefold so it was cheaper to get a taxi. The airport is now even charging to drop someone off (without parking) - and with the cost of flights having escalated it has become an expensive business to travel these days.

So I was awake really early because of Gavin being up. The forecast for today was for rain so I thought I would walk Xena straight after breakfast, which I did, and it did not rain at all. The woods are looking so lush and green, I love walking there in summer as the birdsong is incredible and underfoot it is dry. 

I went to get some groceries and then after lunch I managed to do some more work on my website. I have decided to have my gallery of images by location, rather than genre of photography, and to just stick to landscapes. There is a limit of 250 images in the gallery which is fine because the advice is to only load up your very best images and not too many, as people get bored paging through an excessive amount of images. I know what they mean as it is the same when someone does a large dump of images on Facebook, I get bored looking at too many of them. and if there were fewer it would be more effective.

Tonight I have a clash of activities - the monthly camera group meeting that is usually held on a Tuesday has been brought forward to tonight, which clashes with my weekly camera club meeting, so I had to choose which one to go to. I have decided to go to the monthly camera group meeting, and a friend in the camera club will take notes of what the judge says about my images as tonight our camera club annual exhibition images are getting critiqued. 

I am finding Conversations with Friends (BBC iPlayer) a bit slow with the characters not well cast. As I have read the book I had a clear idea of what the characters should be like and I am finding some of them just wrong. I am really sad that my most favourite program of all, This Is Us, is finishing on Thursday with the final episode after 6 seasons. There has been many articles written and much in social media about the last few episodes, they all required tissues! I am not looking forward to saying goodbye to this amazing series.

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